Space challenges still not solved for School District 73, with more portables installed at Kamloops schools.
Superintendent Alison Sidow says currently they have portables at Valleyview, Pac Way, and McGowan, with more added around the city this school year.
“So we are adding additional space as required, and we are continuing to grow as a district. We are anticipating a slight increase in enrolment, but again, we won’t know until we see the whites of the eyes coming through the doors next week.”
She says they’re waiting for their turn for capital project needs to be met by the B.C Government, particularly in the Valleyview and Westmount areas.
“We do have our project proposal nearing completion, that will be sent in to the Ministry very shortly. And following that, we hope to work very closely to have an opportunity to go to tender. Once we go to tender, we are very close then to a formal funding announcement.”