The BC government has rejected a proposed bylaw from the Sun Peaks Resort Municipality designed to help pay for the extension of city services such as water and sewer to future subdivisions.
Victoria listed several reasons for rejecting what is commonly called Development Cost Charges – money that Sun Peaks charges developers to pay the capital costs of constructing or expanding sewage and other infrastructure to a home.
“We made a few boo boo’s,” said Mayor Al Raine.
He says the DCC’s would help with the multi-million dollars price tag for among things a new water supply now and in the future.
“They must fund the expansion of the systems,” Raine added. “There is a heck of a lot of new development going on and they are going to be lots of new people coming.”
“They all expect to have water when they turn on the tap and they expect when they flush their toilet its going down to the treatment plant being looked after.”
Raine notes the application will be resubmitted and he hopes the BC Government approves the changes by the end of January.