The leader of the B.C. Green Party wants to renegotiate the confidence and supply agreement with the governing NDP.
Speaking on NL’s Inside #bcpoli Andrew Weaver says many of the issues outlined in the original CASA agreement, investing in child care, a climate plan, and banning union and corporate donations, among others have all been acted on.
“We have to start to look at our confidence and supply agreement because so many of things that we have in our confidence and supply agreement have already been ticked off in two years that we are going to have to think about moving forward as to what we might view as other priorities collectively.”
Weaver says he is not sure it would mean a whole new agreement with the NDP or just an addition to the existing one.
“We have done an awful lot. What we need to do is continue to move these things that we have already started forward but at the same time reflect on what has happened and see whether we can come up with. Be it an appendix or some way forward to actually continue giving certainty, in essence, to government and to the people of British Columbia that we will have a stable working minority government for years to come.”
What would the new priorities be?
“The BCNDP might have some labour code stuff they want to push forward. We might have some tech ideas that we would like to get going. We will have to get into negotiations coming up.”
Weaver says at the moment there is no official schedule to renegotiate CASA with the NDP but both parties recognize the need to refresh the agreement.