Students in the Bridges Program at the Twin Rivers Education Centre won’t be relocating to NorKam Secondary after all, thanks to a partnership with the City of Kamloops and the Boys and Girls Club.
Kamloops-Thompson School District Superintendent Alison Sidow says it’s after some parents raised concerns about the potential move to NorKam.
She says students in the Bridges Program- usually in Grade 7 and 8 – will instead move to the John Tod Centre.
“So we are absolutely thrilled to be able to partner to offer a really wonderful space for our younger students who attend the Twin Rivers Education Centre,” she said.
“They have computers set up, a very warm, welcoming space and other programming as well that’s available. So we’ll be able to connect these young students to support and resources within the community.”
She points out that the concerns from parents were around the students needing a location where they could have a contained safe space to continue with their studies.
“We put our heads together,” Sidow added. “We were able to come to an agreement that the John Tod Centre had a perfect facility for the Bridges program. We are thrilled that we were able to find this alternate location in such short order.”
SD73 staff are looking at potentially moving all TREC students to Happyvale Elementary within the next few months. Usually housed at George Hilliard Elementary, the students are being moved to make room for Parkcrest Elementary students.
Students in the Four Direction Program – which used to also be in George Hilliard Elementary – will be temporarily moving to the United Way’s new Collaboration and Change Lab on Tranquille Road. They will eventually move to Happyvale Elementary.
Sidow says there will be an open house on Monday between 1 p.m. and 2:30p.m. on Monday. Classes will resume on Tuesday at 8:30 a.m.