Students in the Twin Rivers Education Program have completed their move into the Happyvale Elementary School building.
School District 73 says renovations have been completed at the site at 655 Holt Street including the refurbishment of the gym and the installation of four portables.
TREC students will now once again be back under the same roof with Four Directions and Bridges program students, as they were at the old George Hilliard Elementary. That space is now occupied by Parkcrest Elementary students after the fire on Sept. 5.
“It will be phenomenal, we will have consistency and a little more permanence,” said TREC principal Cory Carmichael. “We can make this our home for now, and build our community back together.”
It is the second move in three months for TREC students. They were in a section of NorKam Secondary, while Bridges students were at the John Tod Centre Y. Four Directions students were at the United Way’s new Xchange building on the North Shore.
SD73 Superintendent Alison Sidow says all the students displaced by the fire are now in the classrooms where they will remain in until a new Parkcrest Elementary School opens its doors.
“We are witnessing the determination and focus of our SD73 maintenance, IT and staff, she said. “Together we have all proven how Kamloops can rise to meet a difficult situation, work together, and move forward.”
In all, SD73 says there are 237 students registered across the three programs.
(Photo via SD73)