The Capital Project Manager for Kamloops says work on phase two of the Tranquille Sanitary Main Upgrade Project will begin this spring.
Darren Crundwell says this project is scheduled for completion in November, and it should be less problematic when compared to West Victoria.
“The traffic volumes though on Tranquille, about 23,000 versus a project like West Victoria that had 37,000,” he said. “And the good thing about, I’m not saying there isn’t an impact we do recognize the impact and we’re doing everything we can working with stakeholders and the public to minimize that, but there is a lot more ways around this section of road.”
Crundwell says it is also pretty similar in dollar figure as the west Victoria Street project.
“We’re currently looking at around $13 Million which will be on the project signs. So that’s with everything and not just the construction costs. When we present these numbers of the projects signs we want to present an all inclusive cost.”
In 2017, the City of Kamloops replaced the sanitary gravity main from the North Primary Sewer Lift Station, near the Kamloops Airport, to Crestline Street and Tranquille Road. In the second phase of that project, a gravity main will be constructed along Tranquille Road from Southill Street to 12th Street to replace the existing gravity main.
Shovels are expected to be in the ground by mid-March. . In addition to the main replacement, proposed upgrades along the corridor include pedestrian paths, landscaping, and intersection and boulevard improvements.
Crundwell says there will be a public information session Thursday, March 5 between 5:30 and 7:00 pm at the Sports Centre Lounge on McArthur Island where people can view the project design, ask questions and get informed.