Tourism Kamloops, along with other business leaders have banded together to help each other and find a way to get though the fall out of COVID-19.
YKA Strong is made up of Kamloops Chamber of Commerce, the City of Kamloops, the Central and North Shore Business Improvement Associations, Venture Kamloops, Community Futures-Thompson Country, Kamloops Airport, and Tourism Kamloops.
Tourism Kamloops CEO Beverly DeSantis was on the NL Morning News and said times like this strengthen the resolve of people in a tight knit community like ours.
“The relationships that we have gained and grown over the years have only been, in my mind, strengthened through this,” she said. “People know that it takes a village to survive something like this and we’re all like you said, in the same boat.”
DeSantis also stressed the importance of sticking together in a time like this.
“We want to be whole when we come out of this and so that is, you know tourism Kamloops and the City and the KCBIA and the North Shore, all of those guys all coming together to make it through this so we have an economy left,” she added.
DeSantis said it’s important that all Kamloopsians band together right now saying, we need to support local as much as we can.
The YKA Strong website has is just another way to do that.