The Kamloops Outdoor Skating Association is looking to raise $10,000 to support two community rinks this winter.
James Gordon is a Lead Member of KOSA and says as COVID-19 has people searching for more outdoor activities, it was felt that it would be a good idea to improve some outdoor rinks in the city.
“The two neighbourhood associations that we reached out to, one in Westsyde and one in Heffley Creek, have said if they could get some extra money it would help them in their efforts to maintain their rinks so that they’re in better shape. So that’s the motivation as to why we reached out to them and hopefully we can help them out.”
“Westsyde in particular said they could use $5000 because the liability insurance has increased substantially to cover the volunteer group they have out there and then we thought, well is we’re going to give $5000 to Westsyde why don’t we give $5000 to Heffley Creek. The Heffley Creek folks have said it could use things like a snowblower, added shovels, the equipment and material to seal up cracks in the asphalt.”
The group is raising the money through a Go Fund Me page and the campaign is called skating is good medicine.