A developer wants to build a new subdivision on the west side of Juniper.
Juniper West is proposing about 45 single-family homes, on what would be a new extension to Qu’Appelle Boulevard. Another 22 acres would also be designated to be left as “open space.”
Director of development services, Marvin Kwiatkowski, says the parcel of land where the homes are proposed is designated for future development.
“It’s fairly easy to service this land as far as infrastructure, because it’s right to the east of (development) already. It’s a continuation of the current development that’s been happening for many years in the Juniper West area.”
And just west of that proposed development, there are plans to eventually build a new school.
“That’s on Crown land. School District 73 actually has an application in, a Crown grant application, for a potential school site. Looking at timelines for that school, it would be within the next 10 years. So that’s being considered, and there will be future engagement should that Crown grant application be successful.”
Kwiatkowski also says the Official Community Plan (KAMPLAN) is to eventually connect Rose Hill and Juniper.
“The full connection, which would be a permanent connection, would be Qu’Appelle Boulevard. Looking at a timeline for that, I see it within the next 10 years. The connection basically through the developer’s land would be constructed by the developer, which is Juniper West. And I would see it as a similar timeline as a school as well, which is a 10-year timeframe.”
KAMPLAN, which was updated in 2018, says 30 per cent of new housing built by 2039 will be single-family homes, although for Juniper the plan actually calls for 60 per cent of new homes built in that time to be single-family. Juniper is expected to grow by 2,620 residents between 2018 and 2039. Rose Hill is only expected to grow by 10 residents in that time.
A public hearing for the proposed rezoning, to allow the 45-or-so new homes, will happen on March 30.