A unique new opportunity is coming for library users in the TNRD.
The Thompson Nicola Regional Library is now offering people the chance to borrow acoustic guitars.
It has teamed up with Riversong Guitars and Lee’s Music to make them available at all library locations.
Chief Librarian Judy Moore says the aim is to increase access for those who want to play or learn to play guitar.
“The program is made possible thanks to the generous support of Mike Miltimore. Riversong Guitars is an award-winning and world famous local company, and the TNRL is grateful for their support of lifelong learning across the Thompson-Nicola region.”
Riversong Guitars CEO Mike Miltimore says it will remove a financial barrier for those looking to try their hand at an instrument.
“This is unlike any other library system. Nobody else has guitars like these that they’re lending out. For me it’s a symbol of innovation. It’s a symbol of Kamloops. It’s a symbol of our area. And guitars really do save lives. So we’re especially tickled to be a part of this.”
“A guitar is a voice, a companion and an outlet. On behalf of Riversong Guitars and Lee’s Music, I am very proud to be partnering with the TNRD in such an amazing way.”
Guitars will be able to be checked out for six weeks at a time and it has learning tools available as well.
There will be two types of acoustic guitars available, including the Dreadnought and the Grand Auditorium. Both guitars have been designed locally by Riversong Guitars.
To learn more about guitar lending, visit: tnrl.ca/guitar-lending.