Credit: geoprodsvr.kamloops.ca
A warning that this year’s flood season in Kamloops could well-be one of the worst on-record.
Utility Services Manager Greg Wightman says with the cooler-than-expected spring thus far, Kamloops could be in for a significant risk of flooding this year.
“So the predictions as they are right now, everyone is very hesitant to give predictions this early in the year, but we are looking at an event that could be something similar to what we saw in 1999,” he said.
The 1999 flood in Kamloops is noted on the flood markers in Riverside Park.
He says the cooler than average temperatures in April caused historically high snowpack which in the North Thompson is 142-per cent above average as of May 31.
“Obviously a cool spring has delayed the melt and resulted in continued accumulation of snow melt,” Wightman added. “So what we typically see is snow that has started to melt through the month of April, we just continued to accumulate snow right into may here.”
Wightman adds that the snow melt is roughly four weeks later than average.
The City is warning that flood mitigation is going to focus on public properties, cautioning home owners in lower-lying areas that they should be thinking about preparations for potential flooding,” he said.
The City of Kamloops says people who are experiencing localized flooding or water issues should call 250-828-3461. The City also says sand and sandbags are available at firehalls through the city.
For more details, go here.