The long-awaited posting for the City of Kamloops’ FireSmart Coordinator is finally going out Friday.
Protective Services Director Ken Uzeloc says the FireSmart coordinator will be tasked with developing an overall strategy to get the entire city designated as a FireSmart community.
“So not just focusing on what we as a City do, but build that engagement and buy-in with different community groups, neighborhood groups and individuals, to really adopt and align with the FireSmart principles,” said Uzeloc.
Uzeloc says the position is fire-related, he suggests the successful applicant might not necessarily be an active fire fighter.
“It’s going to be working with Parks, it’s going to be working with KFR, it’s going to be working with a number of City Departments to do things like review our approval process for development, all our bylaws and make sure, you know, the tree bylaw aligns with FireSmart principles,” noted Uzeloc.
He says the posting will be out for two weeks, and will be open to both external and internal candidates, with expectations the new FireSmart coordinator could be on the job by the end of June.
Kamloops council first approved hiring a stand-alone FireSmart Coordinator in early January.