A plan to add 180 housing units along Ord Road is expected to go before Kamloops City Council on Tuesday of next week, Aug. 13.
Development Director Marvin Kwiatkowski says the applicant is seeking to rezone a roughly four acre property at 2550 Ord Road, located near the intersection with Tranquille Road from A1 agricultural to RM4 multi-family residential
“They’re looking at about 200 units in three low-rose buildings for market rentals,” Kwiatkowski said. “That one is currently in the stages of looking at geotechnical, looking at some of the environmental issues there, servicing. That is in the hands of the developer, getting all their reports together.”
While its remains to be seen if the project is approved Tuesday, Kwiatkowski says its great to see developers show some interest in adding some much needed housing in Kamloops.
“We’re seeing people step up to the plate looking at a lot of different parcels that may be in the past weren’t as feasible but we have people looking at them which is great,” he said. “There are some projects that have more complexities than others.”
Not much else is known about this proposal at this time, with those details expected to be made available a few days before the application goes before City Council.
This latest application comes as the provincial government has tasked the City of Kamloops with building 4,236 housing units by Sept. 2028.