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Drivers of highway 5 between River Street and Shuswap Road may have noticed some new safety improvements.
Last week, the province installed a stretch of concrete barriers removing the ability for drivers heading north to turn left onto River Street.
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure says a centre median barrier was installed on October 23rd from the Valleyview Interchange to Shuswap Road.
“The Ministry recognizes the removal of the left turn onto River Street may cause inconvenience to some members of the public, who may have to choose an alternative route, but studies have indicated that this is not a safe turning movement across two southbound lanes at at 90 km/h.”
“The unfortunate loss of the Red Bridge has caused increased use of this turning movement, adding to the problem and necessitating the urgency of implementing the median barrier.”
River Street access onto Highway 5 will remain open as a right in/right out turning movement, however no Left Turn signage has been installed on Highway 5 northbound at River Street.
#BCHwy5 – watch for maintenance crews in both directions between East Kamloops and Shuswap Rd starting at 5:00pm.
The left lane will be closed and a speed limited reduction will be in place.#Kamloops
https://t.co/KcGmm2l0o5 pic.twitter.com/1Ewf1aJH12
— DriveBC (@DriveBC) October 23, 2024