A stretch of motels on Columbia Street in Sahali could soon be allowed to redevelop.
Kamloops staff are considering asking to re-zone Columbia Street properties between McGill Road and Pemberton Terrace.
That area is currently zoned Highway Commercial, and the proposal is to rezone to General Commercial.
Mayor Ken Christian supports the proposal.
“I think the rezoning of the neighborhood on Columbia Street is a no-brainer. I think that’s part of what I call the TRU precinct… This would, in my opinion, afford an opportunity to revitalize that area. And add, in particular, that walkability that you need adjacent to the university. And getting more people in that zone on a permanent basis,” Christian says.
“What we’re seeing are a lot of motels – that are essentially a remnant of a kinder and gentler time when people used to use that as the highway into Kamloops – that are kind of stagnant, because of the zoning that’s been in place.”
It’s been more than 30 years since Highway 1 was built around the city centre and rerouted off of Columbia Street.
The proposed zoning change is part of a “once-in-20-year project” of city staff doing a widespread update of zoning bylaws. The proposed changes will come to a regular council meeting at a later date.