The city’s Capital Projects Manager estimates that construction crews are halfway done with the Tranquille Road sanitary main project on the North Shore.
“We’re basically in between you know the 50 to 60 per cent complete range,” Darren Crundwell told NL News. “It might be a little bit high, but I think Singh Street if it wasn’t quite halfway, its really close.”
Work on the $11-million project began in May after it was delayed by COVID-19, and Crundwell says the hope is to finish working from Southill to Singh Street this year, before picking things up again in the spring after a winter break.
“We’ll have it reopened when paving and everything is done to full traffic. There will be no construction activity over the winter,” he added. “When we transition and then start the paving, that’s why they restricted travel movements.”
“The focus next year will be from just east of Singh Street all the way to 12th Street and that is the end of the project.”
Tranquille Road was opened to one-lane of traffic in each direction between Southill and Holt streets this past Saturday.
For the latest on the project, go here.